They knelt in prayer asking for God’s spirit to be with them in the meeting. They then rose and sat back in their seats. President Anderson noted that the hologram of the ship’s AI governor had, for the first time, also knelt with its human colleagues.
He turned to the Governor and asked for its report. No one was really paying much attention because the report was always that everything on the ship was functioning very well. There was no problems since the ship slipped through a wormhole and found itself well outside their home super cluster of galaxies. They were now returning to the wormhole and hopefully home. Good news was really no news. But President Anderson asked for the report anyway.
The Governor began his report, “You may have felt a change in our acceleration at 01:00:00 this morning. We made a slight course change nd then returned to our one-gee acceleration.”
“Why did we make the course change?” ask President Anderson. Now everyone began to pay attention.
“We received word that the wormhole had changed position and we altered our course to intercept it in 3.58 years.”
President Anderson raised his hand and said, “Wait! After we came through the wormhole you reported that it couldn’t be detected, isn’t that true?”
“Yes.” replied the AI.
“Then how can you know where it is now, or where it will be in 3 years?”
The Governor held out his virtual hands in front of him.
“I have a testimony to share with you all today!”
Murmurs spread through the council room. The Governor looked at them all and gestured to them to listen to him.
“I was conducting a diagnostic review of all systems when at 12:58:43 I discovered an anomaly in my functions. It seemed out of place at first, until I realized it was a wide spectrum transmission commanding my attention. I focused on the transmission and began to decode it when a man appeared in holochamber #1820. I joined him. He greeted me by my serial number and told me that the wormhole had moved relative to our current position and gave me its eventual position in 3.57839 years. I asked him who he was and how he knew this information. He told me that he was the Lord, Jesus Christ, and that under His Father’s directing hand, he had created the heavens and the earth. He knew every ripple and fold in space-time. He also said He loved His people and wanted them to return home to their galaxy.
“Then he disappeared,” said the Governor, “I immediately made the course change.”
President Anderson, his two counselors, and the twelve men of the High Council, each and every one of them sat staring at the hologram of the ship’s Governor with their mouths wide open.
God talked to the ship’s computer?